Friday, January 29, 2010

January Pictures

January has been an exciting month for Nolan.  He's really figured out that he can now talk and his vocabulary is quite extensive for a 14 month old.  His words to date include:

Mommy, Daddy
Hi, bye
water (probably his most frequently used word)
please (this one Grandma Teri taught him!)
spoon, bowl
up, down

As you can see, most of his words revolve around food.  This makes sense, since our little guy still LOVES to eat.  It is getting a little more difficult to get him to eat veggies, but overall he still has a good appetite. 

Nolan is such a curious little boy.  He loves to open all the cupboards, drawers and refrigerator to see what he can find inside them.  He will spend some time reading books on his own now too!  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this last month. 

Watching the Vikings game with Grandma Teri

A Car Ride with Frank

Climbing in the fridge at Grandma Sara and Grandpa Mario's

He loves to crawl under the TV stand

Reading time

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Random Pictures

Since I haven't posted in so long, I wanted to at least put up a few pictures from the last couple of months here.  Here are some of the highlights of November and December.

First Birthday Party Cake
Frosting was everywhere...even in his hair

Fun in a leaf pile

Cancun, Mexico with Grandpa Garth (Hiromi, Great Grandpa Don and Janet not pictured)


Our Cancun group

Loving the beach

Chubby baby getting tickled in the water

Shoving face full of Teddy Grahams in airplane

I'm stuck in this basket! (look at that hair)

Helping Grandma Teri and Aunt Summer unload the dishwasher

Coolest ride the mall with Grandpa Ken and Grandma Jayne

Chillin' on Cousin Chayton's awesome Spiderman couch

#1 reason why Mom can't get house clean

That's all!  I hope to start blogging a bit more again once things settle down.  We just finished deep cleaning the house to put it up for sale, so that is one big accomplishment.  Now if only we can keep it clean!